According to Jeff Bezos, there are many reasons why writing effectively is so essential.

Oby Nwanya
6 min readJul 10, 2021


“A properly organized and narrative writing,” according to Amazon’s founder and CEO, is essential: “the necessity to think to differentiate the significance of various parts, the opinions of others, and the accomplishment of a clear expression” are some of his recommendations.

“What we’re looking for is a well-structured and narrative book, not simply a text,” Jeff Bezos told his executive team. “A good memo’s narrative structure pushes you to think more clearly.” (Joshua Roberts/Reuters)

At Amazon’s executive team meetings in 2004, PowerPoint presentations were rejected. Six-page memoranda replaced it, and it became the opening ritual for every business executive meeting: a reading of all of their memos for up to 30 minutes.

Jeff Bezos’ communication to STeam (an acronym for Senior Team, which is pronounced like the word “steam,” which evokes engines), sent on June 9 at 6:02 pm, seemed strange at the time, when brevity appeared to express the vertigo of the time better than any other way. There were barely three years before Twitter imposed the now-old magic figure of 140 characters on the world. It said: somewhat more to help with the “why” under the subject “No PowerPoint introductions as of now in STeam.”

We’re looking for a text that’s not an ordinary text but one that’s well-structured and narrative. A bullet list created in Word would be equally as terrible as one made in PowerPoint.

The narrative framework of a good memo pushes you to think better and better comprehend what is essential than another and how they are connected. This is why writing a four-page note is more challenging than “creating” a 20-page PowerPoint.

The infamous 2004 letter that altered the tone of Amazon’s company meetings and prepared the path for Jeff Bezos to revalue writing

In some ways, PowerPoint-style presentations allow us approach ideas casually, flatten any feelings of relative significance and disregard the underlying interconnectivity of ideas.

The signal of Bezos was maintained, according to Sumit Grrg of Medium, who studied the 23 letters to shareholders that Bezos has sent thus far. If anything, it intensified with time. “And although they taught me a lot about Bezos and Amazon’s brilliance, I was equally astounded at how beautifully written and communicated they were,” he said.

Bezos expanded on what it means to write well in one of them, one filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States in 2017, and on the difficulty of differentiating between an excellent text and one that’s fair, since “the difference is subtle”:

Writing the specific criteria that make up an excellent letter would be very tough. However, it appears most readers similarly respond to outstanding memos. When they see it, they know what it is. Even though it is difficult to explain, the standard exists and is genuine. This is what we’ve found out.

When a memo isn’t up to par, it’s usually due to the author’s failure to identify high standards rather than a misunderstanding of scope: a high-level, six-page memo is erroneously thought to be written. It may be done in a day or two, or even a few hours, whereas it might take a week or more!

“PowerPoint-like displays let us to approach ideas superficially, flatten any sense of relative significance, and overlook the underlying interconnectivity of ideas,” Bezos defended writing

Bezos also referred to the issue of talent, saying that some individuals are better at expressing themselves in writing than others but this in fact does not negate their expertise in engineering, marketing, or human resources. “What about skill?” says the narrator, “beyond identifying norms and having reasonable expectations regarding scope.” He inquired. “Are you convinced that writing a first-class memo necessitates a high level of writing ability? “Does that other component have to be there?” Answered:

Not so much, in my opinion, at least not for the individual working in a group. A football coach isn’t required to be able to shoot, and a filmmaker doesn’t need to be able to act. However, both must acknowledge high standards in those areas and educate reasonable scope expectations. There is cooperation even in the case of drafting a six-page memo. Someone on the team will need to be capable, but it does not have to be you.

At Amazon, he said, it’s usual for the writers’ identities to be omitted from memos to show that the whole staff was involved in the process of consultation and cooperation.

Perhaps the answer lies in the capacity to “recognize the high quality” in a text, which is not always linked to creating it. A person can love literature and tell the difference between an outstanding book and a good one. He noted that “most authors don’t identify what distinguishes their work from that of the greatest writers in their area.” And this always leads them on the wrong path. They can’t progress because they don’t know what it’s like to be better.”

It is required to have seen a good pitch, a good performance or good writing many times to identify a good pitch, a good performance or a good essay. It would be read in this situation. Studying grammar or searching for writing suggestions is not a replacement for teaching students how to write excellent content, which comes almost unintentionally through reading. It’s not unusual for Bezos to make suggestions like this: After all, Amazon began as a bookseller in a garage.

He described it to Fortune in 2012 for a feature that the magazine devoted to firms and enterprises. He talked about the significance of beginning STeam meetings with reading memos, which he referred to as “tales” rather than papers. “It’s a weird first experience for new employees. They aren’t used to studying quietly in a room with a group of executives. As explained in the essay, this process of collective reading ensures that all participants are paying attention. Above all, it makes you want to write well.

“Generally, readers respond similarly to excellent memos. When they see it, they recognize it. The standard is there and genuine, even though it is difficult to define “Bezos said about the inconsistencies in the level of writing .

“Full sentences are more difficult to write than titles in a PowerPoint presentation or bullet points in Word,” he added. “They have verbs,” says the narrator. Topic sentences appear in paragraphs. It’s impossible to create a six-page letter with a narrative framework without having a clear thought.” According to version 2.0 of a phrase from high school language courses, what is evident to reason will be clear to communicate.

“Imagine going to a meeting where everyone in attendance has a full knowledge of the topic you’ll be discussing,” said Brad Porter. He had long since departed Amazon as vice president of robots in 2015. “He suggested that they were well-versed in business-critical data.” “That’s how Amazon’s meetings go, and it’s amazing.”

“The typical kind of business meeting starts with a presentation,” he said, quoting Bezos. Someone takes the stage at the front of the room and gives a presentation using PowerPoint slides. From our perspective, we get very little information and just a few vignettes. This is simpler for the presenter but more challenging for the audience. As a result, every one of our meetings revolves around a six-page narrative document. When confronted with a standard PowerPoint presentation, executives interrupt. If you read a six-page document from start to finish, you’ll notice that you have a query on page two, but it’s answered on page four.”



Oby Nwanya
Oby Nwanya

Written by Oby Nwanya


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